Ronald A. Coutu, Jr., Ph.D., P.E.
Professor of Electrical Engineering
V. Clayton Lafferty Endowed Chair
(414) 288-72316
Marquette University
Opus College of Engineering
Dept. of Electrical and Computer Engineering
Engineering Hall 248
1637 W. Wisconsin Avenue
Milwaukee, WI 53233
Nematic Liquid Crystal Composite Materials for DC and RF Switching
/in Research Projects /by Ronald CoutuMEMS based Hazardous Gas Sensing using Photoacoustic Detection Method
/in Research Projects /by Ronald CoutuIn this project, MEMS membrane-based photo-acoustic (PA) detection system for a hazardous gas sensing application with high accuracy and low cost has been introduced. Thin and deformable micro-machined membrane is used to detect the acoustic vibration created via light-gas interaction inside the PA chamber.
Novel Test Fixture for Studying Microcontact Reliability and Performance
/in Research Projects /by Ronald CoutuA test fixture facilitates to study contact force, contact resistance, adhesion, and contamination associated with the microcontact. In this project, a novel test fixture will be developed and engineered micro-electrical contacts will be fabricated and tested using our novel test fixture for acquiring significant data to design a robust and reliable MEMS switch for future DC and RF applications.